COERR Mae Sarieng supported the Emergency Response Committee Meeting in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter, Sob Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province, in which plan was made to have 4 meetings this year, i.e. in January, April, August and December. Additionally, there would be training of new ER team members; training of trainers, training for children and youth, survey of household emergency preparedness kits, campaign for community risk reduction, fire prevention and fire drill, etc.
Later, on January 26, the first training was held for the new committee to learn about the work of the emergency response team, i.e. hazard and prevention of fires, floods, landslides, inflammable materials, maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, etc.
After the theory course, there was a practice of making basic fire prevention tools such as preparing water bags, sand bags, stone bags, etc. that can be useful to extinguish fire in emergency phase.
First Meeting of the Emergency Response Team on January 22, 2021. there were 22 attendants of 21 male and 1 female.

Training of Emergency Response to 22 male attendants on 22 January 2021
